Volunteer Spotlight: Baird Morgan

Baird Morgan has a clear view of Eagle Mountain from his Grand Isle camp and was one of the many volunteers who answered our request to adopt one of our trails. He, along with many Adopt-A-Trail volunteers, have been visiting “their” trail a couple of times a month to both enjoy the views and to make sure that the trails are clear of tree branches and litter.
After adding fresh blazes from the new parking area, and recruiting fellow hikers like his wife, and even a stranger he met on the trail, Baird worked with the Lake Champlain Land Trust to come up with new trail signs. Baird even successfully convinced the publisher of the local Milton Independent to write a story to help recruit other volunteers. (Suzanne Flynn, the owner of the Milton Independent and several local newspapers generously paid for the new signs.)
“As a busy land trust, we rely on people like Baird to help us take care of these special community places,” noted Chris Boget, Executive Director of the Lake Champlain Land Trust. “I am grateful for how far he went to make sure the trail improvements made it easier for everyone to enjoy Eagle Mountain.”
Working with Baird, the Lake Champlain Land Trust can bring in additional volunteers if there is ever the need for substantial clean-up or removal of blown-down trees. A special thank you to Baird for all of his help and being one of the official “eyes on the ground” team members of the Lake Champlain Land Trust.
You know, I really enjoy it. I love being outside in different seasons and I appreciate knowing that I can help out in my own small way. It doesn’t take a ton of time, it’s not hard and it’s fun.” -Baird Morgan, Volunteer
Do you or your family want to adopt a trail near you, or are you interested in joining our volunteer email list to learn about upcoming project needs? Give us a call (802) 862-4150 or email .