Scenic Woods Island is a 125-acre gem located west of Lapans Bay off the shore of St. Albans, VT. This undeveloped island contains prime wildlife habitat, and is home to several rare and unusual plants. Primitive camping is allowed during the summer months. A pleasant loop trail connects the five waterfront campsites.
DAY USE: Woods Island is open for hiking year-round and makes a great stopover for paddlers looking for a moderate paddle trip (depending on the wind). Paddlers can launch at nearby Kill Kare State Park (2-mile crossing each way; day use fee). A prominent gravel and sand bar on the Island’s eastern shore provides easy landing and access to the scenic 1.5-mile loop trail.
OVERNIGHT: Camping is by reservation only between Memorial Day and Labor Day (fee applies).
Woods Island was purchased and conserved as a state park by the State of Vermont in 1985. The Lake Champlain Land Trust helped negotiate the sale and facilitate funding.
The Lake Champlain Land Trust assisted the State of Vermont with the conservation of Woods Island.